v1.6 [Sep 7, 2011]
1.6 (August 25, 2011)
[+] An integration with the Windows 7 Taskbar: now you can control playback using a toolbar on the thumbnail preview.
[+] Links to the product and vendor websites in the Help menu.
[+] From now on, a sample audio book is distributed with the player. Currently it is Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln.
[!] Fixed playback of extra-short audio (files shorter than 0.5 sec were not played at all).
[!] Fix for the file list: the horizontal scroll bar is no longer displayed when the vertical bar appears.
[!] The main skin is switched to Impulse.
[!] Fixed the volume slider graphics of the Snow Leopard skin.
[!] Fixed possible memory leaks in the both list controls.
[!] Updated the audio effects library.
[!] Updated the AAC/MP4 decoder.
[!] Some grammar corrections of the app UI.
[!] Got the error message appeared when calling Play Directory for a folder with no supported audio files.
[!] Enhanced the bitrate calculation.
[!] The setup program is tuned to assign informative hints to shortcuts created in the Start Menu and on the Desktop.
[!] A ton of minor improvements.
v1.4 [Apr 23, 2010]
[+] Added support of MPEG-4 audio file formats: now the player can playback AAC, MP4, M4A and M4B files.
[+] Ability to change the tempo of an audio book without changing the pitch, and to alter the playback pitch regardless of other params. Explore additional options using the spinner at left and above of the Stop button.
[+] Added a configurable function for skipping commercials.
[+] Count-down mode for the track progress timer.
[+] Disabling hardware mixing option for bypassing possible driver issues.
[!] Restoring from the system tray when loading a second copy of the audio book player.
[!] Some interface fixes and corrections.